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OMT: Tottenham vs Emirates Marketing Project

Video technology for these sort of incidents will never happen, it would make a complete mockery of the ref's as it would clearly show how incompetent they are and both managers would be shouting for video replays every incident.

video technology doesn't make a mockery of the referee's at all - it AIDES them in making the correct decisions what is making a mockery of the refs is expecting them to get things right 100% of the time without giving them the technology to do so
i hate to say it, but the one that gets my goat the most is BAE not letting that ball to run out of play for a throw in so time would have been wasted to the end
philmcnulty Phil McNulty
FA charge Balotelli with violent conduct for alleged stamp on Spurs' Parker. Has until 6pm on Weds to respond. Faces 4-game ban if guilty.

"Alleged" :ross: jesus h fudging christ.

Until the ban is imposed it has to be 'alleged'. Hopefully they'll miss him and drop points while he's suspended. But cue the Sad Emirates Marketing Project fans moaning about the anti-Emirates Marketing Project media bias.
video technology doesn't make a mockery of the referee's at all - it AIDES them in making the correct decisions what is making a mockery of the refs is expecting them to get things right 100% of the time without giving them the technology to do so

It may aid them, but can you imagine the whoha that would be created when 90% of the time it would show how bad ref's are ? Their confidence would be sapped, they would start to question nearly everything they give, and the fans would be giving them brick constantly. Media would also point at their mistakes. As I said, it wont happen, they wont be given it as the game would simply stop flowing for every questionable decision.
Well no consolation but at least he will get a definite 4 game ban now, if he appeals it will be 5.
Referee's don't care. I don't see why our penalty takers don't do it, as long as it's on target, it's impossible to miss.
Goalies move forward and players run into the box before penalties get taken. There's lots of brick the refs turn a blind eye towards.
oh dear

clutching at straws
I'm not clutching at straws, I'm asking a question. A perfectly reasonable one as far as I'm concerned, as I was under the impression that what he did had caused a change in the laws.

It would appear that I was right, the law has changed, so therfore my question is not unreasonable. I do not think for one moment that anything will happen - because the game has finished and we lost, to a perfectly reasonable and deserved penalty. Its method of execution however was contrary - as far as I can gather, to recent rule changes

Why don't you stop being a complete tool? Is this some crusade to ride around the board slagging everyone off, in your new assumed mantle of board bully?

Get a life pal
For a player that doesn't train im sure we can afford him a couple of mistakes. He's been a legend for us and defies everyone elses belief by coming out and playing when he cant train. Yes it was a mistake, but like people have said, the only 1 i can think of off the top of my head
Goalies move forward and players run into the box before penalties get taken. There's lots of brick the refs turn a blind eye towards.

I appreciate that, and a ref is completely within his rights to order a retake if the keeper makes a save and has clearly moved off his line. The encroachment thing is a different issue as it doesn't affect the actual penalty, but the run up and a keeper rushing the kicker do.

My question was borne of curiousity, not some desperate hope that the result will be overturned
Forearm smash to the face? Nothing.
Stamp on someome's head? 4 match ban.
Call someone a black so and so? 8 match ban.

Something not right here

Obviously not condoning Suarez's comments, deserves everything he gets. Just find it incredible that a deliberate assault on someone is deemed less of a crime than calling someone names just because it's on a football field.
i looked this up a few months ago - the wording essentially says you cannot stop your run, but changing the pace of the strides etc (which is what Balotelli did) is fine

so its fine (just)
Had there been any true justice he would blasted it wide, or another 12 inches to the right, Brad went the right way too, he nearly got a hand to it
As others have said, you can slow down, but not completely stop. We see most players do it tho so refs don't do anything about it. I can remember one ref ordering a retake for such a run up, but can't remember which league or team (helpful i know). I hope Spazotelli misses a crucial pen one day ala John Terry in 2008