Which cultural and religious beliefs were used to justify expansionism within shamanistic cultures? Can I now imply a connection between those beliefs and yours?
Elitist is a word with a lot of connotations that I'm not entirely comfortable branding towards others. Doing so, if you don't mind, seems a bit elitist.
But I do believe that my opinions on some things are superior to the opinions of others, define that as elitist if you will, no sweat off my back. If I didn't think my opinions were the better one's I would change my ****ing mind. It seems, much like me, you think your way of looking at these things is better than mine. It would surprise me a lot if you would bother discussing these issues with such conviction if you thought our viewpoints were equally valid.
I want to point one thing out. My 'elitist attitudes' on issues like these are not only aimed outwards towards other cultures and religions as you seem to be implying based on my opinion on one isolated issue.
I have plenty of problems with western culture. I have even more problems with western religions. I have freely spoken my mind on this relatively frequently on this board, primarily over in random. As recently as in this thread I ridiculed homeopathy, a system of alternative medicine originating in the west and still most widespread in the west. Related to that, almost by necessity, there are things in other cultures I not only respect, but wish would become more widespread within "western culture".