Haha there you go again throwing stones comrade, Putin will be proud ...... mate i was an active socialist in the 80's, was involved in Red Wedge, all the bands i grew up loving in the 80's and still do were staunch socialists, The Smiths, Housemartins, Style Council, The Specials, The Clash etc....... Ive been in bands myself that had a leaning to the left...... then i grew up, got educated and actually began to understand the truth and lies about New Labour..........
Your posts remind me of the typical teacher at school who thought he was the man, hard as nails with his mouth, picked on all the kids, venting his anger and life hatred on them (as you seem to do against Tory voters, which btw i'm not sorry about that), but it was really about his own inadequacies though right ? I bet you love Snow Patrol, rock out to Keane and Coldplay, maybe a bit of Michael Buble if your feeling like partying, probably had a tache in the 80/90's cos it was macho...... I'm guessing militant weekly is your rag of choice...... every time you see a Tory it hurts doesn't it, it makes you angry, every time you see someone successful, with more money than you, you get jealous, go on admit it, life isn't fair is it, you hate, hate, hate ...... Me i'm a happy chap, love life, love my friends, family, love people who work hard and are successful/done well for themselves.
I believe in the land of opportunity, not the land of opportunity knocks.......
Over to you comrade, keep throwing them i'll keep batting them back \o/