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'Soldier beheaded' outside barracks in Woolwich

Right, where shall I begin with this? Firstly, I would like to add that this is the first time I have ever had to endure a tit-for-tat with anyone on this forum and you are the first person, hand on heart, in my whole existence that has labelled me as ignorant. Well done =D>

When we started our exchanges, you will notice I was agreeing with elements of your first posts, and offering my own opinion where I disagreed with you. We exchanged a couple more posts where I again agreed with most elements of what you were trying to say but highlighting where I didn't agree with you and offering first-hand examples. Then for some inexplicable reason, when I offered an alternative global view to your annoyance at the term 'trying', you made some defamatory remarks about how I was tarring every Western man/the West with the same brush. I challenged you on this and whilst you still continued posting on the thread, you didn't offer me the decency of replying.

In the meantime, you managed to call Steff ignorant for his views, even though he had clarified and apologised for where he was mistaken. He acknowledged an element of his post where he had been mistaken but asked you for an apology for labelling him as something he is clearly not (seems to be a speciality of yours). You still have not apologised, the most you could muster was it 'was not your intention'.

I once again challenged you about your earlier comments regarding my thoughts and character, and you provided me with some nonsensical paragraph that didn't address what you had labelled me in the slightest. I decided not to pursue this and thanked you for replying. You continued banging a drum that had been challenged and answered by people with, it seems, far more first-hand knowledge than you with regards to your concerns. You mentioned that I was 'plucking evidence from the air', whereby I corrected you. You decided not to pursue this, wisely, and then made the assumption I had said you were uninformed for thinking Sharia Law in the UK is wrong. Once again (sigh), I corrected you and said that it was delusional to have a fear that this type of law would be a dominant force in the UK. I also stated that this was EDL rhetoric, which I believe is where you have this idea that I played the race card (!!!) and was aiming a barb at you, which let me categorically state now I wasn't. I was very simply stating that that a fear of Sharia Law becoming dominant was something the EDL peddled out. If you took this as a slight on your character then I sincerely apologise for not making myself clearer.

You then agreed that the above wouldn't happen, which was quite frankly incredibly confusing considering you had tried to call me up on mentioning it. I also mentioned the Catholic Church which you conveniently side-stepped. I offered you a Facebook page which posted about a range of issues, including benefits, housing and immigration. Now, in your post above you have talked about laughable statistics? Is this what you are referring to? I don't care that you find it to be propaganda, I don't care that you are not interested, I was merely suggesting it to you as something of interest and something that might pleasantly surprise you in terms of our Immigration issues. Maybe I should have also mentioned that the sources for these posts are in the comments section of each one, with most sources being respected government, census and highly-regarded periodical organisations. The clue is in the title about whether this page is propaganda or not...'just the ACTUAL FACTS'. No biggie and in all honesty, you were having a discussion with someone else and I involved myself. I wasn't trying to belittle you or start an argument, I very simply thought you may be interested in the content.

So after you had questioned my integrity earlier in the thread, deflected and ignored a few questions I asked of you, I had to ask, 'how old are you?' A fair question, one that many posters on here ask when they are engaged in discussion, heated or otherwise. I likened your attitude to a Coen Brother character. I will hold my hands up and apologise for that as it was a flippant comment. In the meantime, you questioned my intellect and stated I was posting crap. Is this not childish in itself?

Now you are saying I am going off on a tangent and being an ignorant fool. You state I do not give a brick about the discussion yet I have replied to every one of your posts and replied with answers to question you have posed of me or with my opinion of what you had posted. How is this going off on a tangent may I ask? Or not giving a brick about the discussion? You say my views are hugely imbalanced but I have managed to look at a situation like this from a global perspective. Having lived in a Muslim country for two years, been well-travelled and going to International schools throughout my life, I believe I have gained a good insight on this subject in particular from a multitude of cultures. Being Sikh-born but brought up in an entirely Western-culture has helped me look at things from a fairly unique perspective as well. When I have made reference to this in my posts you have dismissed them as anti-west. I will always consider an alternative view and will happily engage in discussion. However, I have found this incredibly difficult with you because you seem to have an attitude that you are accusing me of having.

I understand that you have been involved in various exchanges with others on this thread. And it is not easy to follow a thread on here at the best of times! So, in the hope that I'm not sounding patronising as it is not my game, I can see where you may not have answered specifics in my posts as it can get confusing replying to 3-4 different people at once.

I hate that I have had to go through a fine-tooth comb with this, but when you are labelled anti-West, without intellect and an ignorant fool in the space of 24 hours, I feel well within my rights to defend myself.

edit - being accused of playing 'the race card' to add to the last paragraph!

Well thank you for your view of the round up. You really are versed in presenting it in a one sided manner. You have gone through it with a fine tooth comb in your opinion. The fact is that you lost it and started with your childish insults. You have presented your 'facts'from a certain website but conveniently do not see any issue whatsoever with them - they are in fact perfect in your eyes? When challenged about them you did not respond or intend to expand upon them, leading me to believe that you have not properly thought them through, and then claim that it was because I side stepped the issue and moved the goal posts? You are extremely inconsistent in many regards yet try to claim credibility. I was engaging your viewpoint and when proved wrong you couldn't handle it. That my friend is very ignorant of you to do. You claim to have responded to every post I have made, yet say nothing about how irrelevant alot of it was, in particular going off on a tangent bringing in insults for no apparant reason.

You are banging the drum playing the race card which is pretty cheap to do as again you have done this in your most recent diatribe where you clearly say I have accused you of being 'anti-west' which is along the same lines.

If that is how you wish to go on, then there is no debate to be had, you are just looking for a way to avoid the issue, and to be fair, you have tried to string this out for long enough when it is clear you are not going to discuss facts. The propaganda you are claiming to hold so dearly as meaningful fact is is actually drivel under the banner of 'keep calm Britain'. It is nothing more than an attempt to validate various issues using smoke and mirrors, in particular the use of presenting skewed facts which hold little relevance when you actually consider what is being said and look at the bigger picture, something which a 'global thinker' as you proclaim should be able to see through, you did not even have the decency to respond to that even though I did you the courtesy of considering your viewpoint.
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What % of benefits claimed are by people who have paid into the system at one time or another and those by people who haven't. Interesting debate for another thread maybe.

Hello mate, I'd have to look into that myself but the answer may already be on that page.

Good idea about the thread.
Hello mate, I'd have to look into that myself but the answer may already be on that page.

Good idea about the thread.

In the grand scheme of things it means bugger all unfortunately. All types of people abuse the system it will take a long time before its stopped. The system certainly isn't well fair :) (Sorry)
In the grand scheme of things it means bugger all unfortunately. All types of people abuse the system it will take a long time before its stopped. The system certainly isn't well fair :) (Sorry)

Undoubtedly the worst thing written in this thread so far ;)
And there you have it THFC. What exactly have I 'lost'? Is that so important to you? I don't feel like I have lost anything? Do you feel like a winner?

So you didn't say I tarred every man In the West with the same brush? Isn't that an anti-west sentiment if someone does do that? I have given You answers and will continue to do so if you wish? Please state where I have not answered you incisively enough?

I'm quite astounded by your post. I apologised where I felt I was out of line yet you cannot see fit to identify where you may have been the same in our exchanges? I am disgusted by your insinuation I am playing the race card by the way. Perhaps we have differences of opinion how this card is played.

If it means so much to you, would you like me to say 'you won?' It changes nothing for me.
What % of benefits claimed are by people who have paid into the system at one time or another and those by people who haven't. Interesting debate for another thread maybe.

Roy, definitely another thread on it's own but briefly I would say that a large percentage of this board (us included) have actually taken out of the system more than we've put in. Another thread for sure.

I shall highlight the most important line in the piece though :::: Earlier this month Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg blocked the Home Secretary's plans for a communications bill that would have given police and security services access to records of individuals' internet use

The liberals and liberal minded people have blood on their hands because the are to caught up in the huamn rights flimflam to care about the human rights of the majority of this country, including the muslim community who deserve to live in peace and quiet. But the liberal elite want to destroy this country and turn it into a communist haven they even have a few people posting on this very website.
Roy, definitely another thread on it's own but briefly I would say that a large percentage of this board (us included) have actually taken out of the system more than we've put in. Another thread for sure.

No doubt but at least we bloody well put in, i have never knocked the dustman or the dinner lady because they get up every morning and go to work. Scum whatever skin colour or religion that dont work deserve fudge all. Some vicar was saying last year we are in danger or going back to the victorian times when the was the deserving poor and the undesrving was absolutely right, except i thinkk that would bea good thing.

Anyone who has gone out and done the right thing deserves help, the disabled are allowed an out if they can not work. Im not talking about some taco trying it on claiming they have stress or other such flimflam like the teachers union who are saying the is to much stress running schools. I have just started my second business and it is scary and the is stress but thats life.

This country now everyone is so scared of a little bit of hard work and expects something for nothing not realising that you get more out when you put more in and you feel better within yourself when you do so.

The reason organisations like the nurses unions and the national association of teachers are turning to the communists is because the can hide their failings behind others, they can be lazy but if standards in the schools or hospitals are not rising but going down they will just revert to blaming government cuts rather then looking at ways to actually work harder and improve. It is a problem all accross europe as Asia rises, and it is why the lazy and the scum amongst as are turning to the communists to protect them.

I shall highlight the most important line in the piece though :::: Earlier this month Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg blocked the Home Secretary's plans for a communications bill that would have given police and security services access to records of individuals' internet use

The liberals and liberal minded people have blood on their hands because the are to caught up in the huamn rights flimflam to care about the human rights of the majority of this country, including the muslim community who deserve to live in peace and quiet. But the liberal elite want to destroy this country and turn it into a communist haven they even have a few people posting on this very website.

Chich, can I confirm who you mean by the Liberal Elite? Are you talking purely politics here or also within the financial sector and/or other industries?

Genuinely interested as normally when the 'elite' are mentioned in my experience, being liberal or conservative doesn't tend to play a part.
THFC, I'm still very eager to understand what you consider propaganda from that page, or whichever page you were talking about which I may have missed.

I don't know what your problem is with AuroRaman, I haven't read most of the past 10 pages or so. However, I have had no interaction with you so far, no reason to suspect that I am claiming the race card or moving the goalposts or whatever you've accused him of doing.

So again, what are the lies from that page and what are your sources? For my own knowledge as much as anything.
THFC, I'm still very eager to understand what you consider propaganda from that page, or whichever page you were talking about which I may have missed.

I don't know what your problem is with AuroRaman, I haven't read most of the past 10 pages or so. However, I have had no interaction with you so far, no reason to suspect that I am claiming the race card or moving the goalposts or whatever you've accused him of doing.

So again, what are the lies from that page and what are your sources? For my own knowledge as much as anything.

With respect I have referred to it many times including where I used the term 'propaganda' that you refer to & I do not intend to repost the name of it as I am not in the business of giving free publicity and thus assisting such a page to strengthen it's position in the internet search rankings. In addition I have made a comment about the site and that it didn't stand up to scruitiny and named an example - it didn't even have a response on the matter. Instead I received childish insults which is strange as I thought this was a forum for discussions, not to tell me that my opinion is wrong due to mis represented facts, and to imply racism, says the level of intellect that these sites attract to be honest.
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With respect I have referred to it many times including where I used the term 'propaganda' that you refer to & I do not intend to repost the name of it as I am not in the business of giving free publicity and thus assisting such a page to strengthen it's position in the internet search rankings

So basically you don't have sources and are now trying to avoid the question.

I wasn't asking you to name the page again. I wanted you to copy and paste the fact which you consider bogus (we can now agree that it was the refugee one). Then to look at the source of their information (the official UN agency for refugees). Then for you to post your source, explaining why it was better and more reliable than their source.

I'm not really sure exactly why the UN refugee agency (the source they give for the fact which you're referring to as 'propaganda') would be up for creating false facts to help out the British government hide their refugees from the population but hey ho, what are you going to do?

And with all due respect to both you and Scara, you don't have the pull to draw people to a facebook search and even if you did, there's only a total of 1700 members registered on this board, approximately 500 of whom are actually active. I doubt their usership is about to shoot up because of this conversation.
Roy, definitely another thread on it's own but briefly I would say that a large percentage of this board (us included) have actually taken out of the system more than we've put in. Another thread for sure.

Start the thread Gord! Go on dare ya :)

I assume you mean from pre school, public finding, education etc...

As Chich says we've paid in bundles. I'm 30 and have worked for 13 years full time never paying less than £560 a month in taxes for last 10 years that's £87k I've paid in!! You've probably paid in more as your older than me. So I don't think it's people like me and you who has contributed to the demise of this once great country.
Someone else has just been stabbed very close to where the original attack happened in Woolwich.

Apparently over a milkshake ffs.
So basically you don't have sources and are now trying to avoid the question.

I wasn't asking you to name the page again. I wanted you to copy and paste the fact which you consider bogus (we can now agree that it was the refugee one). Then to look at the source of their information (the official UN agency for refugees). Then for you to post your source, explaining why it was better and more reliable than their source.

I'm not really sure exactly why the UN refugee agency (the source they give for the fact which you're referring to as 'propaganda') would be up for creating false facts to help out the British government hide their refugees from the population but hey ho, what are you going to do?

And with all due respect to both you and Scara, you don't have the pull to draw people to a facebook search and even if you did, there's only a total of 1700 members registered on this board, approximately 500 of whom are actually active. I doubt their usership is about to shoot up because of this conversation.

Well that is where we will always differ, I am prepared to discuss the facts, not minipulate them and to claim the moral high ground as it now appears you are trying to do - why say you haven't read anything and appear as a neutral when infact you already know the source. I don't need to post a source because the evidence is right in front of you when you look at the page. it states a 'myth' and then answers it's very own myth for starters. It is a very unbalanced presentation bordering on whipping up of hysteria.

You have said I am avoiding the issue, I actually responded to the posting of the site addres, where you have clearly read that post, so I do not know why you feel the need to come up with this kind of tripe.

Then you go on to assume that I am claiming the statistics are made up? I have not said that, so you are also mis quoting me in an attempt to try and prove a point, it's all a bit pathetic really and a recurring theme. By having facts there it proves absolutely nothing untill the site tries to put it's own spin on it, and low and behold suddenly there are seemingly irrefutable facts that people claim which only tell half the story.

As for the strengthening of the page rankings, are you saying that by posting it on here will not influence it at all? I think you are wrong, as it will still be a link being posted. Anyway that is irrelevant as I won't be posting it anyway.
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You know what KD, if shoe was on the other foot, and this thread was about two EDL qunts decapitating a young Muslim.. do you think, be honest now.. that Roy would be congratulating the EDL qunts.

TBH your coming off really bad in this thread.. Constantly looking to undermine anyone that might show a teeny bit of resentment to the Islamic faith. Jumping on anything that could be construed in a way that you can make them look bad, when in all honestly its just a bad choice of words, which I also often find myself doing. Just see the number of times I alter my posts. The majority have the edited signed under them.

As my mother says.. he's the sort Id like to bop on the nose. PMSL, before you cry foul or think that's a threat or attack. Its not, it's a way my mother or anyone would use that saying to stop someone in there tracks and tell them to stop being such an arse. Your an astute guy, that should mean you really don't need to be constantly feel the need to always get the upper hand or make others look bad.. correct them yes... make them look bad.. no.

I hope this post is taken in the way it was ment.

I am out of this thread now.. too much vendetta involved now, personally think it should be locked.

Knowing how fast KD likes to jump on people regarding posts, im surprised he hasnt responded to this, maybe because its got him down in a nutshell and he has no comeback