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The slightly girly Health, Fitness & Diet Thread

I aint stoopid dude. I did laugh at Pauls suggestion though. Ive been trying to drink my two litre's a day.

Arcey - im using my BMR (based on a sedentary activity level) and then from there I reduce my calories and up my activity levels. So im actually being prudent as im calculating my own loss through the exercise rather than some calculator telling me what my exercise losses are.

Im ultimately being prudent because I trust NO calculator and there cant be a one size fits all calculation but if I use it as a guide I will lose weight.

Now I understand where you are coming from in terms that my BMR will reduce as I lose weight which I will recalculate once I lose a stone. then subsequently every stone after that until I become the lean mean fighting machine and sex GHod that I have trapped inside me.

It was only an alternative suggestion really. You said that you have gone down in clothes size, but still the same weight in an earlier post. If you were to dehydrate then the numbers on the scales would go down.

I did say it is not a long term solution and would have to be done in a sensible way if it was to be done.

People need to calm down a bit, DHSF is able to make up his own mind whether to take peoples advice or not. At least it made you laugh.....
Sorry, but that's crazy unless he's entering some sort of competition where his weight is absolutely crucial - i.e. boxing, etc.

Besides the potential damage he can do to his body long-term it is outright dangerous!

Absolutely no sportsman in this world would reccommend that. By drinking large quantities of water he'll keep well hydrated and reduce his water retention greatly. Similar to eating small quantities of food numerous times a day (fast metabolism) instead of stuffing yourself fudged up once a day reducing your metabolism greatly and retaining pretty much everything from what you consume and in turn putting on weight. So many people miss that and simply think NOT eating is the solution

The 'warnings' in that link are quite accurate actually

Good job none of us here are sportsman on here then! Sportsmen that need to meet a certain weight would do this on a regular basis though.

It was only a suggestion that would see the numbers on the scales go down, not a demand that anybody has to do it....
It was only an alternative suggestion really. You said that you have gone down in clothes size, but still the same weight in an earlier post. If you were to dehydrate then the numbers on the scales would go down.

I did say it is not a long term solution and would have to be done in a sensible way if it was to be done.

People need to calm down a bit, DHSF is able to make up his own mind whether to take peoples advice or not. At least it made you laugh.....

Not clothes size but fat % is down. So im assuming maybe displaced by muscle. My main view point for losing weight and whether you are losing weight is simple - I brought a t shirt that is one size too small for me - on purpose that is - and until I fit in it I wont see myself as having lost weight. Weight = Looks so to speak. If I cant see it I wont believe it.

It did make me laugh - needed that on a wednesday afternoon
DHSF - don't do this. It's poor advice. You're just losing water, which will help you lose weight short term - but you'll just put it back on when you re-hydrate.

Fighters will do this to make their weightclass, but it isn't something you can maintain, and it isn't healthy. Telling someone to purposefully dehydrate is ridiculous.

Calm down dear...

I don't think I was telling DHSF to do this. DHSF was after ways that weight can decrease and dehydration is one so I posted it.

What's wrong with saying a way that people can lose weight?
Not clothes size but fat % is down. So im assuming maybe displaced by muscle. My main view point for losing weight and whether you are losing weight is simple - I brought a t shirt that is one size too small for me - on purpose that is - and until I fit in it I wont see myself as having lost weight. Weight = Looks so to speak. If I cant see it I wont believe it.

It did make me laugh - needed that on a wednesday afternoon

That's a good idea buying a t-shirt one size too small with the aim of fitting into it one day.

You found it funny, but it seemed to offend others
I think because what you said goes totally against the grain of what any self respecting human (medical and non medical) suggests i.e. drink atleast 2 litres of what a day.
Calm down dear...

I don't think I was telling DHSF to do this. DHSF was after ways that weight can decrease and dehydration is one so I posted it.

What's wrong with saying a way that people can lose weight?

Because the method you suggested is potentially dangerous and wouldn't benefit him in any way.
Still a way to lose weight though.

I think your reaction has been slightly over the top.
If you want to lose weight for a particular event or competition then draining your body of water is a good way to go about reaching your target on the scales. However I'd rather drink two litres of water a day and lose weight through hard work and an appropriate diet over a long period of time.

The reaction matched the suggestion mate IMO.
If you want to lose weight for a particular event or competition then draining your body of water is a good way to go about reaching your target on the scales. However I'd rather drink two litres of water a day and lose weight through hard work and an appropriate diet over a long period of time.

The reaction matched the suggestion mate IMO.

I also think losing weight and actually slimming down are two seperate things. Losing weight to hit a target wont change how you look. Slimming down will and im concerned about changing how I look rather than actually losing weight to get into a boxing ring.
If you want to lose weight for a particular event or competition then draining your body of water is a good way to go about reaching your target on the scales. However I'd rather drink two litres of water a day and lose weight through hard work and an appropriate diet over a long period of time.

The reaction matched the suggestion mate IMO.

The reaction was over the top, it was as though I had killed somebody.

I never said do not intake any fluids again in your life. I was just saying that another way you can lose weight is to drink less and dehydrate yourself in a sensible way from time to time. I didn't say it has to be done, just saying that it is a way of doing it.
My regime is fairly simple:

Run every week. About 20km. Push myself on shorter runs to go PB.
Play 4-5 hours of tennis each week.
Do 60 pressups every day.
Binge eat.
Binge drink.
Ok basically since the last post i.e. two weeks ago I have lost around 6kg. Not sure why its been that rapid as I am eating around 1800-2000 calories a day (with one day off of eating anything i want) then again I am exercising an hour a day on the rowing machine.

I am doing weights twice a week but still struggling with them. I try to work on the chest area and dont feel like im actually working it - why?

Oh and I have cut out alcohol significantly which I am certain has helped. I only drink it on my day off