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Our fans


booing at half time and full time? absolutely disgusted, spoon fed tossers who can fudge off and support Emirates Marketing Project.... or arsenal. get behind the team for fudges sake.
Re: Boo Boys.

Wanted to ignore it, but unfortunately couldn't.

I understand they pay good money and have a right to voice their dissatisfaction.

I'd just like to point out that the more they boo, the less likely the team is to perform, and that will only lead to more booing on their part.

I half wanted the bad old days back just so our fans would be true Tottenham again; support through thick and terrifyingly thin, instead of impatient, spoiled ****s.
Re: Boo Boys.

Wanted to ignore it, but unfortunately couldn't.

I understand they pay good money and have a right to voice their dissatisfaction.

I'd just like to point out that the more they boo, the less likely the team is to perform, and that will only lead to more booing on their part.

I half wanted the bad old days back just so our fans would be true Tottenham again; support through thick and terrifyingly thin, instead of impatient, spoiled ****s.

edit; in the stands. I fully condone (and indeed encourage) whiny bitching on forums.
Re: Boo Boys.

We didn't even fudging lose neither! Same last week
Its not as if we've been tearing up Europe, winning trophies for the last few seasons neither.
Re: Boo Boys.

edit; in the stands. I fully condone (and indeed encourage) whiny bitching on forums.

This. Booing or saying/singing anything negative while at the ground is complete gonads. You're there and you actually have an opportunity to influence the game with your presence - sing for fudge's sake! Man, if I were so lucky I could go to every game, I'd sing my throat out every GHod damned weekend. Booing is just completely pointless and damaging for morale and confidence.
Re: Boo Boys.

I'd just like to point out that the more they boo, the less likely the team is to perform,

This. 100%.

Why do people not realise this? Especially at half time when we require an immediate improvement and increased effort.
Re: Boo Boys.

Some of our fans are a fudging disgrace. An embarrassment.

Yes, we should be beating teams like Norwich at home. Yes, it was a brick performance. Yes, Villas Boas made some bad decisions.

But for fudge's sake...........we're three games into the season and the team has been nothing like settled yet.

What's going to happen when we next play at home? The players will feel under intense pressure from the first minute. That's what. Hardly conducive to courageous, flowing football.

And AVB? The last thing he needed was to have the crowd turn on him and his team so early in the season. The boo boys are giving the ****s in the media EXACTLY what they want.

It wouldn't be so bad if the fans had actually provided ANY support worth talking about during either of the home games thus far. But they haven't. The crowd have been monumentally brick. Even more so than they were last season. Park Lane included.

There ought to be a rule......you can boo at the end of the game to express your displeasure but only if you, as a fan, have performed considerably better than the players and the manager. And the truth is that the crowd performed considerably worse than the players and the manager (which, in this case, is really saying something). They should be fudging booing us.

Vertonghen, Dembele, Sigurdsson, Lloris and Dempsey must wonder what the fudge they've done, signing to play for such an unsupportive bunch of despicable, moaning tacos.

Disgusted and ashamed.
Re: Boo Boys.

Some of our fans are a fudging disgrace. An embarrassment.

Disgusted and ashamed.

Totally agree.

Thought the atmosphere was marginally better than last week but that wasn't difficult.

Fans that boo are ****s pure & simple.
Re: Boo Boys.

Some of our fans are a fudging disgrace. An embarrassment.

Yes, we should be beating teams like Norwich at home. Yes, it was a brick performance. Yes, Villas Boas made some bad decisions.

But for fudge's sake...........we're three games into the season and the team has been nothing like settled yet.

What's going to happen when we next play at home? The players will feel under intense pressure from the first minute. That's what. Hardly conducive to courageous, flowing football.

And AVB? The last thing he needed was to have the crowd turn on him and his team so early in the season. The boo boys are giving the ****s in the media EXACTLY what they want.

It wouldn't be so bad if the fans had actually provided ANY support worth talking about during either of the home games thus far. But they haven't. The crowd have been monumentally brick. Even more so than they were last season. Park Lane included.

There ought to be a rule......you can boo at the end of the game to express your displeasure but only if you, as a fan, have performed considerably better than the players and the manager. And the truth is that the crowd performed considerably worse than the players and the manager (which, in this case, is really saying something). They should be fudging booing us.

Vertonghen, Dembele, Sigurdsson, Lloris and Dempsey must wonder what the fudge they've done, signing to play for such an unsupportive bunch of despicable, moaning tacos.

Disgusted and ashamed.

Re: Boo Boys.

Maybe I have selective hearing but I didn't hear any boos yesterday at HT or at all last week. Sitting in West Upper last week and East upper this week. Where are the boos coming from?
Re: Boo Boys.

Maybe I have selective hearing but I didn't hear any boos yesterday at HT or at all last week. Sitting in West Upper last week and East upper this week. Where are the boos coming from?

Loads of boo's at HT yesterday, its ridiculous, its HT, as said above, I agree people have paid a lot of money and deserve their right to have a moan but seriously, its 3 games into AVB reign as manager give the guy a chance FFS

All ive seen on twitter and on here is sack him, get rid, seriously get a grip people..

He made mistakes again yesterday, lets hope he learns from these over the international break !!!
Re: Boo Boys.

I think booing at half-time at full time is acceptable, it lets the club and the players know its not good enough. I'm upset that I heard some boos during the game, these are unhelpful
Re: Boo Boys.

I think booing at half-time at full time is acceptable, it lets the club and the players know its not good enough. I'm upset that I heard some boos during the game, these are unhelpful

As if the players and the manager dont already know that.
They're not idiots.

Far too many people go to football to be fudging entertained.
Re: Boo Boys.

It's embarrassing. Especially since we harped on about how AVB wasn't given time and patience at Chelsea but that wouldn't be an problem for him here. It makes the club look a complete joke.
Re: Boo Boys.

We didn't even fudging lose neither! Same last week
Its not as if we've been tearing up Europe, winning trophies for the last few seasons neither.

no but theres a certain standard we have been playing at for the last 4 years win, lose or draw. this season we have been well below that
Re: Boo Boys.

Didn't expect to see you here Viper. You appeared near suicidal in the transfer thread. Not really surprised to hear you agree with booing the players after that.
Re: Boo Boys.

Didn't expect to see you here Viper. You appeared near suicidal in the transfer thread. Not really surprised to hear you agree with booing the players after that.

I didn't say I agree with booing, I don't do it myself. I agree with the right to boo, especially at those prices
Re: Boo Boys.

I was sat in the Paxton (lower) yesterday and what dissapointed me was the exodus to the exits when Norwich equalised and some of the comments from the fans after we had scored. To hear fans getting exasperated for us keeping the ball for a period of play showed a complete lack of tactical understanding of the game.

I also think that some of the anger and frustration at the end was directed to the officials, who some people might have perceived as having a bad game.
Re: Boo Boys.

I didn't say I agree with booing, I don't do it myself. I agree with the right to boo, especially at those prices

So the price determines your rights?

You have more right to boo then a fan who goes to a lower division club? :-k
Re: Boo Boys.

I was sat in the Paxton (lower) yesterday and what dissapointed me was the exodus to the exits when Norwich equalised and some of the comments from the fans after we had scored. To hear fans getting exasperated for us keeping the ball for a period of play showed a complete lack of tactical understanding of the game.

I also think that some of the anger and frustration at the end was directed to the officials, who some people might have perceived as having a bad game.

the fans were just fed up. not a good sign when spurs fans empty the stadium and booing, if this continues avb wont last the season