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Black Lives Matter

Ok, but why? :confused: Really - what are they hoping to achieve? Not blowing their balls off?
I'm at a loss, to be honest. There is an extreme 'owning the libs' thing with the American right which I don't really understand.
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Well i think a good lawyer could get him in jail for pinning the guy down on his neck.

If that is deemed appropriate force then people even police officers should march on Washington.

I think wrongly people perceive me as right wing im not except perhaps on crime. But that also means the police need to be held to account as well.

Feel in this country the police are a bit better. They really hate black people out in America don't they.

Problem is an even better lawyer is going to be on the other side because that's the way things work right?

It just takes me to what will seem like a naive place of just wondering "how could someone do something like that"? Like what do you actually have to have wrong with you to think that the right course of action is to pin someone down in that manner? I'm surprised that the onlookers didn't attempt to rush the police...perhaps that was what the feds wanted.

Only point of slight umbrage being taken is the bolded bit, I've said on here a lot I'm really cautious of generalisations...The US is a big, big place and to paint all folk with the same brush is dangerous, but yes, one case like this is too much but they've had more than their fair share.

There is security footage from a store or restaurant next to the one he was in that proves he was not resisting arrest.

it seemed wrong to "like" this post but yeah it's not surprising.
You could see that the poor bloke was tinkling himself too, a sure sign that he was in trouble physically. Very distressing to watch. The only positive to come out of this was the swift, decisive and emphatic response of the white mayor. I was very impressed by him.

It wasn't a joke if that's what you mean. I can only imagine but being there and witnessing something like that is much more horrific in person and you don't know what effect that would have on you. Like I said, I believe (and hope) I'd have the urge to do something and as I mentioned it would probably only escalate the situation in a negative manner but humans with a shred of humanity tend to want to help if someone is essentially being murdered in front of them. The cops have gone beyond the point of being considered human by my reckoning. Any more snarky posts or are you satisfied now?

There's a huge amount of movement on social media with this as expected, but without wanting to sound too helpless, what can we (we the people who see that that action is heinous and without any justification) actually do? I guess it comes down to day to day actions but it's not going to a change things like this from happening.
It wasn't a joke if that's what you mean. I can only imagine but being there and witnessing something like that is much more horrific in person and you don't know what effect that would have on you. Like I said, I believe (and hope) I'd have the urge to do something and as I mentioned it would probably only escalate the situation in a negative manner but humans with a shred of humanity tend to want to help if someone is essentially being murdered in front of them. The cops have gone beyond the point of being considered human by my reckoning. Any more snarky posts or are you satisfied now?

There's a huge amount of movement on social media with this as expected, but without wanting to sound too helpless, what can we (we the people who see that that action is heinous and without any justification) actually do? I guess it comes down to day to day actions but it's not going to a change things like this from happening.

I didn't think you were joking. I was genuinely shocked that you would be surprised that bystanders (many or most of whom I would speculate didn't witness the entire incident, and so would have been unable to accurately assess what was happening) didn't intervene by attacking armed police officers.

Feel free to interpret that as snarky if you wish, but it's a genuine comment.
Or a massive pair of tits.

I know what's coming now

Didn’t read any of this. Assume you’re having a whinge and calling myself/others communists/leftists blah blah yawn.

Welcome back from your little cave.

You're to the left in your politics both economically and culturally, are you not?

I wrote in my post:
"you're only looking for stories to fit your, 'white people are racist oppressors - black people are the oppressed', narratives."

And the fact that you were presented with two web links of black on white crimes and you refused to even acknowledge them so as far as I'm concerned, I feel justified in my assertion.
I believe people of all nationalities, colours and faith's do terrible things out of intolerance, ignorance and subtle brain washing. Nobody is blameless.

You must expect killings in a country where and half wit can have a gun and believe they have a right to use it to enable them to get respect or live the American dream.

I agree with all of that...However, I do think you will find there's a few that disagree with your first paragraph and will lay the cause of all the world's ills at the feet of one particular race of people..

With regards to the USA. They have a murder rate of 5 for every 100,000. By European, Canadian and Australian standards, they're doing poorly. Europe and Australia are at around 1 for every 100,000 whilst Canada is 1.5 per 100,000.

In the Far East, countries such as South Korea, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, are all at around 1 per 100,000... Whilst the Japanese police, generally spend most of their days twiddling their thumbs as their nation's murder rate is around 0.26 per 100,000.

South Africa 26 years after their freedom from Apartheid and they have a murder rate of nearly 40 per 100,000. El Salvador 52, Honduras 39, Mexico 29 per 100,000.

Back to the USA, it should be noted that most of the gun crime is committed with the use of an illegal firearm.

Then there's the amount of people wounded by guns and needing hospital treatment, which in 2017 amounted to more than 135,000.

Another grim statistic of the USA is their suicide numbers of which there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides in in 2010. In 2017, over half of the nation's 47,173 suicides involved a firearm. The U.S. Department of Justice reports that about 60% of all adult firearm deaths are by suicide.

In most years, American suicide with the use of a firearm is more than double the amount of homicides. American suicide is something that's rarely talked about when debating their gun fatalities..
All sorts of murders happen in the US. This thread has recently highlighted racist inspired incidents where black people are wrongful victims. You clearly identify with perpetrators of racism. Why? You’ll try and present it as being against political correctness, but let’s face it, you’re either a little, or significantly, prejudiced yourself.

White people being victims of black peoples violence does not justify racism!!!

Is there any racial motive or discrimination involved in the presumably terrible crimes you have flag up? The reason we don’t talk about them is probably because they are more mundane, not because we are ‘leftist’ or whatever conspiracy theory you have been sucked into believing. Stop watching that shi1. Those videos where logic and justification are given for racism is not reality, you’re being brain washed into conspiratorial theories that don’t reflect reality.

The US has too many guns, most victims know the shooter and are from the same community if not household.

If you are not affiliated with racists first state that you think racism - by this lady is wrong - then let’s have a discussion. Tell me that you think it is unjust that black people are killed by law enforcement in the US when innocent, and then we can debate the nuances of the media. Until you do, you will fairly be labelled a racist yourself.

Can you imagine the reverse? A society where you are disadvantage by the colour of your skin? Where people walking their dog racially abuse you and falsify accusations of crime because of your race?Where your economic prospects are lower. And that the way law enforcement treats you could even put you in danger for your life?

First condemn such injustice then people might take you seriously, and maybe just maybe there is something interesting underneath regarding media portrayals and rebuking popular ethical standards.

Sitting on my porcelain throne using glory-glory.co.uk mobile app

Wow where do I begin with that ...I know, I'll just call it for what it is... ..It's is a load of Islington Metropolitan Liberal elitist gonads, and you know it too...
Don't talk to me as if I'm in the dock at a SpursMeUp court room, that I have to prove my innocence to your charges before you will engage with me with any seriousness ...If you want to engage with me, engage with me, otherwise ignore me, it's that simple.

It were awful what happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis and the police use of excessive force. But, you, me and no one here knows enough about the incident, you like to think you do but you don't.

Same with the two Cooper's in the park. Maybe you should look in on Christian Cooper's Facebook page where you can see he made a veiled threat when he stated that he would be taking control of her dog and that she would not like it. Amy Cooper is a Bernie supporter, a white liberal that has worn the purple hat on anti Trump marches that had accused Trump of misogyny and racism..Obviously a broken elitist Liberal female who when confronted by the burly, Christian Cooper in the woods, became a white supremacist. She's now lost her job over this, sacked within 24 hours..

Looking back on this thread, you will see it is more than just a few pages and it's also in the Trump thread.... Trial and conviction via a 30 second video seems to be the norm with you Leftists.. I just hope to GHod that you and others here are never called up for jury service.
Like what do you actually have to have wrong with you to think that the right course of action is to pin someone down in that manner? full post edit...

Each State has differing laws on it's police force when making an arrest and restraining.. From what I've been able to find out, their law in Minnesota allows a cop to pin someone down with a knee to any part of the body including the neck! For how long, I could not find...

Bear in mind that the State's Governor is a Democrat, the Mayor is a Democrat, the Chief of Police is a Democrat ...