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Jehovah's Witnesses try to murder their own son


Paul Miller
Staff member
Something to do with their belief in Santa I suspect.


This is the kind of thing that makes me wish I were wrong about it all, that there really is a Hell and that there's a special corner of it reserved for Godtards like this. Unfortunately I'm almost certainly not wrong, so we'll just have to watch our justice system get scared of the sandal crowd and charge them (if at all) with something lighter than manslaughter.
I don't think they are knowingly trying to kill him, more likely they have been brainwashed into believing that taking him to a certain place is more likely to cure him than the millions of pounds worth of NHS treatment available to him

religion strikes again
I don't think they are knowingly trying to kill him, more likely they have been brainwashed into believing that taking him to a certain place is more likely to cure him than the millions of pounds worth of NHS treatment available to him

religion strikes again
Intentionally taking action that is very likely to kill someone is murder (or attempted) in my book.

I don't believe for a second that they believe taking him elsewhere is more likely to save him - merely that it fits in better with their departedness.
The boy's been found in Spain according breaking news reports. Hopefully he's safe and well. Being responsible for the death of your own child would carry level of guilt that I imagine no parent could live with, regardless of your religious beliefs .
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From what I gather, it's not necessarily the case that the parents were acting under any sort of religious inclination. Just speculation at the moment.
The boy's been found in Spain according breaking news reports. Hopefully he's safe and well. Being responsible for the death of your own child would carry level of guilt that I imagine no parent could live with, regardless of your religious beliefs .

When it comes to religious fanatics I wouldn't be so sure. They truly believe they're doing the right thing, what GHod intended. Healing through prayer. Keeping their kid safe from the true evil that is modern medicine. Hallelujah.

Or just as bad, they're into alternative medicine?
When it comes to religious fanatics I wouldn't be so sure. They truly believe they're doing the right thing, what GHod intended. Healing through prayer. Keeping their kid safe from the true evil that is modern medicine. Hallelujah.

Or just as bad, they're into alternative medicine?

Religion, or rather a warped or extremist interpretation of religion (any religion), certainly can lead people to do unspeakable things. But to reiterate, there's as yet, no confirmation that this was necessarily the motivator here.

Cases like this are rarely as straight forward as (initially) reported. From what I have read and heard of his condition, the poor kid's had an unfathomably dire life. Cannot have been easy for any of his loved ones to witness, least of all his parents.
Religion, or rather a warped or extremist interpretation of religion (any religion), certainly can lead people to do unspeakable things. But to reiterate, there's as yet, no confirmation that this was necessarily the motivator here.

Cases like this are rarely as straight forward as (initially) reported. From what I have read and heard of his condition, the poor kid's had an unfathomably dire life. Cannot have been easy for any of his loved ones to witness, least of all his parents.
As Jordinho said it's very likely either religion or belief in alternative medicine. Both are as bad as each other and both should lead to a murder prosecution for the parents.
Looks like they were seeking a treatment called proton beam treatment which they had researched and is available to kids with cancer in plenty of places except here.
I know from experience that having a kid with brain tumours can make you crazy and only seek the best for your child. My child had his surgery in Toronto instead of London as they offered a surgery not yet available here.
He is on a twice a day tablet here for his epilepsy that is illegal in the states, yet readily available in Britain and Canada.
Please don't jump to conclusions calling people potential murderers. This case proves it had nothing to do with religion and more they panicked over wanting the best for there son
Looks like they were seeking a treatment called proton beam treatment which they had researched and is available to kids with cancer in plenty of places except here.
I know from experience that having a kid with brain tumours can make you crazy and only seek the best for your child. My child had his surgery in Toronto instead of London as they offered a surgery not yet available here.
He is on a twice a day tablet here for his epilepsy that is illegal in the states, yet readily available in Britain and Canada.
Please don't jump to conclusions calling people potential murderers. This case proves it had nothing to do with religion and more they panicked over wanting the best for there son
According to the parents, their child was " responding better" by being out of hospital. (Insert what a depart smiley here)

They refused the treatment that experts had recommended - to the point that the hospital was going to have to apply for a protection order. They followed that by risking the child's life for what they claim (I refuse to believe Santa's not involved here somewhere) is seeking alternative treatment that experts have already told them will not be any more helpful.

They are far more dangerous to their children than any medical condition could ever be.
I saw some very interesting shirt films about people who had left the JW. The amount of control the church (cult) exerts over them is scary. I will try to dig them out
The kid was in a hospital in Spain getting another treatment. Not sure it has anything to do with religion. Also not saying their actions weren't wreckers but if you have a terminally ill child you will do whatever you can I imagine.
Arresting his parents is extreme. If they had taken him in some religious fervour thinking GHod would heal him, then I understand but if they have decided an established treatment could save him then I can't see the crime.
The kid was in a hospital in Spain getting another treatment.


Not sure it has anything to do with religion. Also not saying their actions weren't wreckers but if you have a terminally ill child you will do whatever you can I imagine.

It has everything to do with religion. Religion trains its sheep (they even call themselves that!) to arbitrarily believe some things to the death and automatically not believe others. It actively discourages (for obvious reasons) the use of evidence and a logical thought process.

So even if we leave the utterly disgusting JW medical advice to one side, the parents have still chosen to disbelieve the evidence-based opinions of medical professionals to do something incredibly dangerous to their child for a treatment that those trained in such matters told them would have no beneficial effect over what was being offered.

It has everything to do with religion. Religion trains its sheep (they even call themselves that!) to arbitrarily believe some things to the death and automatically not believe others. It actively discourages (for obvious reasons) the use of evidence and a logical thought process.

So even if we leave the utterly disgusting JW medical advice to one side, the parents have still chosen to disbelieve the evidence-based opinions of medical professionals to do something incredibly dangerous to their child for a treatment that those trained in such matters told them would have no beneficial effect over what was being offered.
Sorry I was wrong... they want to go to Prague for Proton Beam treatment


I can't see how the decision has anything to do with religion from that.

If it had I would be completely and unequivocally against them.
According to the parents, their child was " responding better" by being out of hospital. (Insert what a depart smiley here)

They refused the treatment that experts had recommended - to the point that the hospital was going to have to apply for a protection order. They followed that by risking the child's life for what they claim (I refuse to believe Santa's not involved here somewhere) is seeking alternative treatment that experts have already told them will not be any more helpful.

They are far more dangerous to their children than any medical condition could ever be.

Mate, firstly, the depart smiley comment, don't be such a prick!!

Secondly, you seem to be convinced in your own argument here, your not listening to anyone else. This is nothing to do with religion, they happen to be jw's, that's all.
Not every treatment is approved or tested in every country, there is no reason why a treatment that has been approved elsewhere but not given the time here won't work.
As I said earlier, my son is on an epilepsy medicine that contains it well. This tablet is not available in the states as they have other tablets they believe work better. Friends of mine who have kids with epilepsy in the states have tried everything and nothing works, they are desperate for the tablets we have here. They even drive to Canada to obtain the medicine illegally.

There are always 2 sides to a story, please try and realise that.
From what I've read there kid has a massive brain tumour which has been cut out. The doctors are unwilling to try any new treatments and they would like to try them. They feel like there banging there heads against a wall,and getting nowhere.

They are not potential murderers, they are worried sick desperate parents.