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The left are a disgrace sometimes.

They want to pretend they are so right on but when it's their cause celebre that is accused then suddenly 'justice' isn't such an issue?


This guy is accused of rape and flees to an embassy to avoid extradition to the USA over other issues.

As someone on the CiF section says, if this was a right wing figure The Guardian would be up in arms.


He's said he's perfectly happy to stand trial in Sweden, as long as he gets assurances he won't be extradited to the USA.
Women Against Rape. Unless it's that guy, we like him.

Why would the Yanks need the Swedes to extradite him over the Wikileaks brick, why wouldn't we just do it? Aren't we #1 US lapdog?

Maybe, just maybe, he's a rapist.
Which is gonads as well.......if he has broken laws in any country they reserve the right to have him extradited.

The thing is, its harder to get extradited from Sweden than the UK!! So it doesn't stack up at all.

Since when does an individual decide what laws apply to them? flimflam IMO.

And he hasn't been charged with anything in the US anyway.

The women that accuse him are WIKI ACTIVISTS!! They aren't mysterious figures that have just appeared now and are making surious claims.
Women Against Rape. Unless it's that guy, we like him.

Why would the Yanks need the Swedes to extradite him over the Wikileaks brick, why wouldn't we just do it? Aren't we #1 US lapdog?

Maybe, just maybe, he's a rapist.

Exactly - we'll send any fudger over to the states at their first request!
He should have to face the rape allegations and he should have to front the US too in my opinion. Why the should he not be held accountable for releasing secret documents?

He's a complete clown shoe in my book.
That's my view.

Sorry, where does it end? Someone releases where all of our nukes are kept and the codes to launch them?

Dimplomacy is essential in the world and the release of this information endangered thousands of informants over the world who had made disclosures in good faith.

I hope he gets bummed forever in guantanamo! :)
£6,500 Reward to Set Off Ecuador Embassy Fire Alarm

Blogger and campaigner Mark Wallace is offering a generous reward for a brave upholder of the British justice system to set off the Ecuadorian embassy fire alarm and flush out Julian Assange.

The great and the good on Twitter have chipped in, and as we go to pixel the total stands at over £6,500.

The US haven't charged him with anything, let alone asked for extradition. On the other hand, he has been accused of a serious crime, skipped bail and gone on the run.

His arguments don't stack up. While I won't be surprised if the US came up with a vindictive prosecution, it won't be that easy to extradite him. As others have said, its probably harder from Sweden as we have the Blair-express procedure for any crime where you can tangentially mention terrorism (e.g. McKinnon, Tappin). Also I heard a lawyer say that if he was extradited to Sweden any further extradition to the US would need the approval of the UK authorities under the extradition procedures. So he would be safer in Sweden as the US would have to satisfy two jurisdictions.

Also his claims that he fears the death penalty are ludicrous ... well, in reality, he might fear it in his mind. No European country extradites people facing a capital crime, not even under the Blair fast-track system.
Playing devils conspiracy

Did this "rape" charge come out AFTER wikileaks released very damaging footage and materials, of American soldiers and poor foreign policy etc?

Can somebody give us a timeline?
The US haven't charged him with anything, let alone asked for extradition. On the other hand, he has been accused of a serious crime, skipped bail and gone on the run.

His arguments don't stack up. While I won't be surprised if the US came up with a vindictive prosecution, it won't be that easy to extradite him. As others have said, its probably harder from Sweden as we have the Blair-express procedure for any crime where you can tangentially mention terrorism (e.g. McKinnon, Tappin). Also I heard a lawyer say that if he was extradited to Sweden any further extradition to the US would need the approval of the UK authorities under the extradition procedures. So he would be safer in Sweden as the US would have to satisfy two jurisdictions.

Also his claims that he fears the death penalty are ludicrous ... well, in reality, he might fear it in his mind. No European country extradites people facing a capital crime, not even under the Blair fast-track system.

Excellent post. And it's laughable how flimsy the lefts morals are when it's 'one of their boys' in the brick.
Playing devils conspiracy

Did this "rape" charge come out AFTER wikileaks released very damaging footage and materials, of American soldiers and poor foreign policy etc?

Can somebody give us a timeline?

If the rape occurred after the wikileaks release there is nothing suspicious.

Assange is a campaigner for freedom of information. No one is exempt, even if their life is in danger. You'd think he'd want the evidence in the rape charge to get a public hearing and clear his name. Any charge and extradition request from the US would be beneficial to his campaign and the risk to him is a lot less than the risk he has subjected others to.

I wonder how the freedom of information and justice records of Sweden and Ecuador compare.
According to wikipedia (they have the references) the rape case was opened on 20 August 2010. The arrest warrant was cancelled the following day, but the case was reopened by another prosecutor on 1 September that year. The incidents are said to have happened on 14, 17 and 18 August 2010.

The US were after him before that.
He released sensitive information. People will undoubtedly face repercussions as a result of some of the revelations of said information. However, arguing that he's a clown shoe for releasing it in the first place is disingenuous. The fact remains that by releasing the information he precipitated this present discussion about the release of 'sensitive' information; when is something too sensitive to be released? Because if anyone supposes that no information should be released on the grounds that it's 'sensitive' then eventually, almost anything vaguely embarrassing to anybody in power will be locked away on the grounds that it's 'sensitive'. We've already seen things like the US Apache attack footage hidden away because it was supposedly 'sensitive', despite the fact that all it did was show US troops committing atrocities. Would it potentially expose US troops to revenge attacks? Yes, it would, and probably did. However, hiding it away isn't something anyone should stand for, not in a supposedly liberal democracy. That would, and does, reek of hypocrisy.

In any case, Assange is, in my eyes, a bigger hypocrite than most. He praised Ecuador as '" a courageous Latin American nation (that) took a stand for justice". One of the most corrupt, unjust countries in Latin America is being praised by this supposedly moral and avowedly pro-justice bloke because they gave him a place to hide. I don't know if the US will extradite him when he sets foot outside the embassy, but I certainly think he's proven to the world just how much of a two-faced coward he really is, regardless of his supposed innocence or guilt. When the chips were down, he gave up all pretense of being a just and honest man and fled to the safety of a repressive regime. Deserving of all the opprobrium he gets? Certainly.
Heard from someone that would know that there's eff all chance of Sweden extraditing someone to a country who practice the death penalty.

The left are a disgrace sometimes.

They want to pretend they are so right on but when it's their cause celebre that is accused then suddenly 'justice' isn't such an issue?


This guy is accused of rape and flees to an embassy to avoid the police?

As someone on the CiF section says, if this was a right wing figure The Guardian would be up in arms.

I agree. There are people on the left who cannot see beyond their enemy's enemy. It is pathetic.