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Premier League Doping

not long after wenger turned up Arsenal one of the players had a biography released (sadly can't remember who), in it they mention the change in their diet and the injections of yellow gloop after matches to help recovery

Yes that was it. It was talked about briefly then quickly hushed up.
Long suspected there must be a few footballers, with the rewards on offer, turning to performance enhancing drugs. EPO and other drugs are hard to detect.

I posted something on Messi a while back, amazed to find out he was using growth hormones for many years ('legally' to help him grow when he was very short). I hope this Times article helps clean things up. Leicester's endurance certainly fits the profile of a doped swimmer. The swimmer who doesn't move through the water as a champ does - streamlined with great skill/ technique - instead their physical advantage powers them through.

Who was the ex-goon who mentioned taking a gloopy yellow weekly dose while at the scum?

Finally, I know Wenger comes out with weird gonads at the best of times, but some of the things he's said about doping are strange. Most managers don't go there.
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The apple doesn't fall far from the tree and brick floats downstream. By which I mean if you look at the corruption in the highest level of world football, AKA FIFA,I think it's fair to say there's all sorts of stuff that goes on in football which we will never know and a lot more stuff that has happened which we will never know about.

I'm not saying I belief this guy as I don't know his credentials and human beings have a tendency to lie and deceive for all kinds of reasons, but I'm sure there's been many a doped player in the league this season and all previous seasons and many a fixed game.

It only takes one player to be pumped up on steroids, or one player to receive a payment to be 'not quite at his best', to influence a result or two and therefore the whole season.
Not buying that with Leicester, stamina isn't winning them games, it's luck and awful refs.

To win so many tight games as they do, I think it also has to be down to know-how. They're a clever unit, cleverer than most. It helps that there's plenty of dim opponents and tactics in the PL that are there to be taken advantage of.

For me, Ranieri has coached them well, has them at it like an Italian 60's team, boring but effective.
According to the Sunday Times this doctor did name specific players. The paper chose not to publish those names as they had no evidence but they have passed the names onto the relevant authorities. So you would assume that. Knowing the names, the ST will be watching to see what happens with the players in question - I.e the authorities will have to investigate or the same authorities will be held to account by the paper if nothing seems to happen
I don't see this as something likely to have club endorsement - more a case of individuals trying to find an edge. It makes sense in individual sports such as cycling, athletics etc where the risk/reward factor is more quantifiable. I would be interested to understand the effectiveness in a team sport. Does it just meant that through doping, player x can get himself to the level of player y - so the individual player x benefits from team selection, but the overall effect on the team is negligible, as player y would have played in any case? Or can the effects on one individual have a significant impact on team performance?
Whatever, it does feel that there is a can of worms waiting to be opened.
It's simply been a matter of time, PED's are rife in all professional sport.

Also, @SpurMeUp , EPO is now easy to detect if you are looking for it.
Vardy, Morgan, Huth, Drinkwater and Albrighton have all been around for ages and were never anywhere near as good as they have been this season. That'll come across as sour grapes given who I support. But...it's true. I guess all I'm saying is that if it turned out that they'd done something dodgy, it wouldn't surprise me given how crazy their form has been this season.
Vardy, Morgan, Huth, Drinkwater and Albrighton have all been around for ages and were never anywhere near as good as they have been this season. That'll come across as sour grapes given who I support. But...it's true. I guess all I'm saying is that if it turned out that they'd done something dodgy, it wouldn't surprise me given how crazy their form has been this season.
I'd never heard of vardy or drinkwater until this year, but I've not seen anything from the rest of them that's massively above their level of performance, they've just been lucky. Twice this season I've seen Huth get away with red card offences, one of which was an elbow to the face and would probably have been an added ban.
It's just so like Liverpools Suarez season, what was it, 4-5 games to go before anyone mentioned Skrtels wrestling at every set piece.
Vardy, Morgan, Huth, Drinkwater and Albrighton have all been around for ages and were never anywhere near as good as they have been this season. That'll come across as sour grapes given who I support. But...it's true. I guess all I'm saying is that if it turned out that they'd done something dodgy, it wouldn't surprise me given how crazy their form has been this season.
Has their form been that good or have things just bizarrely been going for them, game after game?

Most games I see them play they are the worst team on the pitch but still manage to win somehow. It's commendable spirit and supreme effort that seems to get them through more than anything. One thing they are very good at is chasing like madmen and swarming all over the opposition . They give everything and then some. Also I noticed they are not adverse to the occasional tactical foul just to reset their shape. Everyone does it but I noticed it today more than before as they were doing it a lot. And on top of that they are having the luck of the devil. Sometimes the stars align and that's what we are witnessing here IMO
Has their form been that good or have things just bizarrely been going for them, game after game?

Most games I see them play they are the worst team on the pitch but still manage to win somehow. It's commendable spirit and supreme effort that seems to get them through more than anything. One thing they are very good at is chasing like madmen and swarming all over the opposition . They give everything and then some. Also I noticed they are not adverse to the occasional tactical foul just to reset their shape. Everyone does it but I noticed it today more than before as they were doing it a lot. And on top of that they are having the luck of the devil. Sometimes the stars align and that's what we are witnessing here IMO

Almost like you are suggesting they have been on the sauce! You make your own luck surely?

Their impressive defensive record is more suggestive of doping - the spirited 'swarming' closing off attacks. This is all conjecture until something is proven.
Following the details of this Sunday Times "sting" there doesnt seem to be much to it.

A 38 year old amateur cyclist gets done. (equivilant of a sunday league player)

He attempts to give info to UK anti doping to get this sentence reduced. He talked of an athlete trafficing banned substances. UKAD got customs to search him found nothing. Then the guy started talking about this doctor. He was unable to name a single athlete he was supplying so UKAD could do nothing.

Guy eventually ends up going to the Sunday Times. They send in a guy with a camera. Doctor boasts about who he supplies to camera naming top level premier league players and the like.

I'm sure the guy was supplying PED to anyone who wanted them but I doubt his client list was anything like he boasted.

Meanwhile the new Chelsea manager Conte did EPO at Juventus in the 90s and no one gives a fudge. French manager Deschamps as well and likely Real manager Zidane.
Almost like you are suggesting they have been on the sauce! You make your own luck surely?

Their impressive defensive record is more suggestive of doping - the spirited 'swarming' closing off attacks. This is all conjecture until something is proven.
Leicester are making their own luck. They have an illegal luck factory hidden away somewhere!!
Leicester are making their own luck. They have an illegal luck factory hidden away somewhere!!

I need a dose! They probably manufacturer it as a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory-like bubble gum. Chew it - win the league.

No one wants to believe doping is happening. But if it is, it is wholly unfair and needs to be exposed.
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Long suspected there must be a few footballers, with the rewards on offer, turning to performance enhancing drugs. EPO and other drugs are hard to detect.

I posted something on Messi a while back, amazed to find out he was using growth hormones for many years ('legally' to help him grow when he was very short). I hope this Times article helps clean things up. Leicester's endurance certainly fits the profile of a doped swimmer. The swimmer who doesn't move through the water as a champ does - streamlined with great skill/ technique - instead their physical advantage powers them through.

Who was the ex-goon who mentioned taking a gloopy yellow weekly dose while at the scum?

Finally, I know Wenger comes out with weird cobblers at the best of times, but some of the things he's said about doping are strange. Most managers don't go there.

